Our story is unique. Just like our friendship. Jen and I met when our daughters danced together. I was a runner. All I did was run and in the process, I hurt my back. Jen was a Pilates instructor and owned studios all over due to her husband and his military career. After weeks of trying to find a fix, someone recommended Jen for a Private Pilates training session. That is where it all started, I was hooked on Pilates and our newfound friendship.
Over the months of private training and dance, we began to discover our passion, I had business and she had Pilates. At one dance competition, Jen had asked if I would like to go into business together. It was an instant “YES!” but had no idea what the outcome would be.

In March of 2017, Jen and I made the trip to Frisco to look at locations. At Re:Gen we wanted to offer multiple modalities because we believe you need everything to live a healthy lifestyle. We needed a location that we were able to have Pilates, Barre, Spin and Yoga in one location. After looking at several spots Prosper is where we landed. The energy and the vibe was just what we needed to begin a successful business. We started in renting a dance studio while our new location was under construction.

It was small but just what we needed to get the word out about Re:Gen. Once our space was complete we moved to 1061 North Coleman in Prosper. After a year in this location we decided to expand and purchase the Lagree Fitness franchise for Prosper. It was quite the undertaking but knew this was where we needed to grow to. After a successful few years with both studios in the same shopping center we knew it was time to build our own space where we can combine all that we offer. We were there for almost 5 years until we moved into our permanent location at 206 South Coleman in downtown Prosper. This move was and still is the most exciting thing we have done for Re:Gen. Together we have made it happen.

Our friendship is the foundation of Re:Gen Pilates and it is what we want our clients to know about us. We are best friends that do life and business together. It is why we work. Sometimes business and friendship do not work but we do. We were given the gift of each other. We each have our strengths and we build our business on those strengths.

Our story is our journey. Business isn’t easy but when you do it with your best friend it is fun!

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