Many times we see an uptick in numbers as we approach the summer season. The heat set in. The clothes become less. Bathing suits are a day-to-day essential. Cute clothes and the vacation countdown are on. With social media and all the pressures around us sometimes we can fall into the trap of some negative self-talk. For example “we have to get so many pounds off or tone up before we have to do this or that”. If you find yourself in this space, keep reading. I want to write a gentle, sweet reminder letter just for you!
Dear Friend,
Life is a beautiful and fleeting thing. Let’s make each day about living. About making memories. The things we hold so important often overshadow the REAL important things in life. Don’t look back and wish you hadn’t spent so much of your time beating yourself up. When you go to workout, think about feeling better and giving yourself the time, instead of making your workout punishment for what you ate. Our minds can actually take over and prevent us from seeing the change we want because of what we are telling ourselves on the daily. Change the way you talk to yourself and begin to workout for your actual health, mind, and body connection. Everything else will fall into place. Eat real food! Notice when you change your thoughts, your workouts become a daily self-care regime. What you put into your body will change as well. When we feel better, inflammation goes down due to our choices with food in our newfound eating habits, which was a natural ripple effect to how your body feels physically and mentally. Stop the diets and brutal workouts where you feel like you are just going through the motions. Stop the negative chatter because it has no place in your life. Stop the judgment and shame from beliefs that are not real and unfound. Find enjoyment in how you show up for yourself. A healthy life can be full of joy so let’s find it! Most of all, remember YOU ARE:
One of a kind
Strong or stronger than you think you are
Exactly where are supposed to be right now!
If you need to hold space where there is a community, where you want to change your mind and body so the rest of your world around you can fall into place organically, we may be a good fit for you here at RE:GEN.
Be gentle and kind to yourself…and have the best summer!

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