For a lot of people, yoga and Pilates are mostly interchangeable. A lot of people don’t know the clear differences between the two and don’t do a whole lot of research before they begin doing one or the other. However, there are a lot of differences between Pilates and yoga, and knowing them could make […]

At Re:Gen Pilates, we get a whole lot of questions about Pilates. What do you wear to Pilates classes? What are the benefits of Pilates? What are the differences between Pilates, Barre, and Yoga? Questions like those are the most common, but there’s one that we also get semi-frequently, and it’s a surprisingly simple one […]

When it comes to workout garb, you have a lot of options. However, unlike your day-to-day clothing, your exercise outfit not only needs to be fashionable, it needs to be functional. One question we often get from new clients is “what should I wear?” It’s a good question, and one we’re going to answer in […]

If you’ve made Pilates a routine in your life, you’ve probably familiar with its myriad benefits, both mental and physical. A commitment to Pilates can be life-changing, and if you’re such a person that has experienced its rewarding effects, it’s possible that you’ve felt the desire to share that with other people. One of the […]

As certified experts at Re:Gen Pilates, you can bet we’ve heard it all when it comes to common Pilates myths and misconceptions. A lot of people don’t actually have a solid understanding of what Pilates is, causing them to circulate misinformation that a lot of people end up taking as fact. We have been teaching […]

At Re:Gen Fitness Center, we are strong believers in the power of exercise. A healthy body will lead to sustained happiness and a higher quality of life, and we’re happy to help any of our Prosper Clients to experience those benefits. Whether it’s through our Pilates program, spin and yoga classes, or Barre courses, you’ll […]

When it comes to physical fitness, it’s exceedingly rare to not have goals. Fitness isn’t some catch-all activity; centuries of knowledge, research, and experience have culminated into an incredible variety of different fitness programs that all meet different needs. At Re:Gen Fitness Center in Prosper, TX, we offer Pilates, barre, yoga and spin classes, all […]

When it comes to personal fitness, Pilates, spin, and yoga classes are all viable options, and we offer all three of them at our fitness studio in Prosper. However, people seem to be attached to the idea that they’re mutually exclusive. There are some who align themselves to yoga or Pilates exclusively or will fight […]

If there’s one constant we can always rely on, it’s that the realm of personal fitness will always be evolving, changing, and innovating. Over the years, an endless number of various workout philosophies have emerged. Some take the world by storm and permanently change our paradigm about personal exercise, while others die quietly, leaving room […]

It’s not uncommon for people to wake up in the morning and instantly feel a rush of dread flow through their bodies. There’s work to be done, kids to care for, and no end in sight. With everything that we need to deal with day in and day out, how can we feel more at […]